ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Script Camera

Used to script an animation camera in a sequence. When working with this tool, you can select the animation cameras graphically, or you can select their names in the drop-down Actor List menu in the tool settings.

When a camera is selected, the Script Camera dialog opens. Settings in the Script Camera dialog let you specify the frame number at which to begin using an animation camera and how the camera transitions are carried out.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Visualization > Animate > Script
  • Toolbox: Animation Cameras

Actor List Drop-down menu that displays a list of the existing cameras in the model. Before the Script Camera dialog opens, a camera must be selected, either by selecting a name from this list, or graphically.
Actor Name Displays the name of the selected animation camera.
Start Time Text field that lets you specify the time or frame number at which the animation camera becomes active. Where Day/Month/Year style times are used, you can click the Start Date/Time icon to select the start time from the Select Start Time dialog.
Use Camera Roll If on, the up (Y axis) vector for a camera is derived from the Y axis of the cell rather than one of the world coordinate axes.
Camera Position If on, the camera position is interpolated between camera locations. This is in addition to any scripted movement along a path or due to keyframing.

If off, stops interpolation of the camera position between cameras. That is, the camera will “jump” from its location at the previous frame, to that of the new camera location at the frame number defined by the Start Time setting.

View Plane If on, the camera view plane is interpolated between camera locations. This is in addition to any scripted movement along a path or due to keyframing.

If off, stops interpolation of the view plane between cameras. That is, the camera will “jump” from the previous frame's settings to those of the new camera at the frame number defined by the Start Time setting.

Angle If on, the camera angle is interpolated between camera locations. This is in addition to any scripted changes.

If off, stops interpolation of the camera angle between cameras. That is, the camera will “jump” from the previous frame's settings to those of the new camera at the frame number defined by the Start Time setting.

Interpolation Sets the method of interpolation when transitioning to the camera view.
  • Linear — Transition path to the camera view, from the previous view, is a straight line.
  • Spline — Transition path to the camera view, from the previous view, is interpolated as a B-spline curve. Generally provides a “smoother” and more natural looking transition between camera views.
Velocity Sets the velocity of the transition to the camera from the previous view point.
  • Constant — Transition is at a constant rate.
  • Accelerate — Transition starts at rest, moving with constant acceleration.
  • Decelerate — Transition constantly decelerates to finish at rest.
  • Accelerate-Decelerate — Transition starts at rest, accelerates to half-way, then decelerates to finish at rest.
  • Infinite — Transition is instantaneous, from the last viewing position to the camera view.
  • Custom — Used when you edit a velocity curve through the Animation Producer dialog.
Disabled If on, script entry is disabled and displays in red in the Animation Producer list box.
OK Accepts the settings and enters the script entry in the Animation Producer dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without inserting an entry in the Animation Producer dialog.